City of Kalamunda
Community Funding Program
Community Funding Program Information Pack
Kala Sports Star Awards – Juniors; under 18 & Senior 18-25
Sport and Community Development Fund
External Funding Opportunities – Some external funding opportunities for sporting clubs and community groups are available through this link.
Enables eligible children aged 5 to 18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance towards club fees.
- Junior 5 – 18 named on a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card up to $150
- Open year round
Apply for online or by using a hard copy application form.
More information can be found on the Kidsport Website , or alternatively contact Community Development on 9257 9841 or email

City News
If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact us on 9257 9839.
Please see the City of Kalamunda’s sports and recreation activities available throughout our area.
Club News
Lesmurdie Mazenod Cricket Club (LMCC)
Lesmurdie Mazenod Cricket Club Facebook Page
LMCC have signed up for Containers for Change.
In only 3 weeks LMCC in partnership with Lesmurdie Mazenod Junior Cricket Club returned 6 full 240L bins containing 1839 cans to their refund point. They raised $183.90 in that short time!
Community members are able to drop off their eligible containers to the clubrooms at Ray Owen Reserve on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 5-7pm.
Is your club registered for Containers for change yet?
Lesmurdie Tennis Club now has an online booking system with remote access to the tennis courts to enable community members to use the tennis courts, without having to pay a membership.
Casual day time rates starts at $10 per hour and night-time from $20.
A full range of services and information is also available on the club’s website;
https:/Lesmurdie Tennis Club Website
Happy hitting!
Other News
This Bay is Someone’s Day
As of next week you might see some of the ACROD Parking Program‘s “This Bay is Someone’s Day” campaign materials popping up around the City of Kalamunda. These materials include ACROD bay stickers reminding people to ‘Park Right, Day and Night’ and ranger cards reminding drivers who misuse the bays of the real-life implications their actions can have on the lives of permit-holders. Don’t forget, the on-the-spot fine for illegally parking in an ACROD bay has increased from $300 to $500 while court imposed penalties have risen from $2000 to $5000.
Please follow and encourage your club members to follow the ‘This Bay is Someone’s Day’ Facebook page<> to see real life stories of ACROD permit holders and what having access to the bays means to them. Also keep an eye on the City of Kalamunda’s social media for more information about this campaign.
Kalamunda Water Park has opened for the Summer season and great news! Our waterslides will be back for this summer!
They are a must-visit destination in the Perth Hills so go on and visit Kalamunda Water Park! They look forward to providing you and your family with the best leisure experiences possible.
Kalamunda Water Park makes for a fantastic venue, offering you a brand new way to celebrate. The picnic grounds can cater for 10 – 800 guests. Call the friendly water park staff on 9293 4432 with any enquiries you may have.
Managing Alcohol in your Club
Good Sports have released a really useful guide to managing alcohol in your club.
Topics covered include:
* Drinking behind the bar
* Drinking games, alternative options
* Unlimited/free drinks, lower alcohol content beverages
* Drinking in areas outside of the bar
* Consuming alcohol on a bus
* Does your liquor licence extend to your changerooms?
Activ8ed for Asthma
Asthma WA recognises sports clubs that have Activ8ed for Asthma with an ongoing loyalty program and a free Asthma Action Kit for emergencies.
Activ8 for Asthma encourages kids to participate in sports and not let asthma hold them back!
The Activ8 for Asthma program is for people who work with children in sports, such as coaches, trainers, volunteers, parents and teachers. Through the program you will gain confidence, knowledge and skills to best support kids with asthma in their pursuit of playing sports.